After falling pregnant with my son last year, I searched the web far and wide for timeless, neutral, comfy pieces, to be worn beyond the adorable Insta worthy pics & were super affordable yet never compromised on quality!

I wanted only the best for my baby, Zee. After months of spending more on my baby’s clothes than my own, only to change him out of it minutes later into something that made nappy changes (or in my sons case, gymnastics practice) more sustainable…more practical; I decided it was time to take to the drawing table.

 And so… I present to you Kozee Baby. A brand that promises affordable, practical, quality pieces for your little one, from gymnast to beauty sleeper, each piece carefully designed to keep your little one Kozee through all hours of the day. 

Parenthood is the hardest, most rewarding job in the world. We’re just here to say we get it & we’ll be here, helping make the journey that little bit easier. 

 Love, KB

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